Erected Penis in porn movies

How penis is erected for so long in porn movies. There may be one of the below reason for that.

  1. Male porn actors almost always do special exercises to maintain erection and stamina for a long time.
  2. Viagra or similar drugs are used before shooting to keep maintain an erection regardless of the nervous status of the actor. Also, steroids (and lots of cardio) help them keep thrusting sans pause for inhumanly long.
  3. Almost no porn videos are made in a single shot. There is time in between cuts for ejaculation, rest, consuming super-nutritious food and drinks and re-erection. It is also good for female actors to have some RnR in-between shots so that their vaginas do not get too sore. Sometimes, if the situation permits, and mostly in case of BDSM movies, one video is shot over days, even weeks. The editing makes it look like its all in an hour or so.
  4. Permanent implants in the penis to make it appear hardened all the time. Also there are pacemaker-like electrical implants on the erection-related nerves or water-balloons replacing the spongy muscles to get hard-on-demand.

Things to do for proper anal sex

Good news - Anal sex, properly done, isn't painful for most people.
Bad news - A lot of people don't do it properly.

Keep these things in mind before or during anal sex and you will surely enjoy it.

  1. Go slow and use lots of lube. Everyone says "go slow and use lots of lube" when they talk about anal sex. The thing that most folks don't emphasize is what "go slow" means. "Go slow" doesn't mean "take ten seconds for penetration" or even "take two minutes for penetration." It may, if you're inexperienced, mean "take half an hour for penetration." Seriously, slow means slow.
  2. Practice first! Fingers, a small dildo, a butt plug--these are awesome things to practice with. Practice with yourself. Get accustomed to what it feels like.
  3. If it starts to hurt, stop. If necessary, withdraw. Give your body time to adjust. Start again when the discomfort goes away.
  4. Relax. Again, this is something everyone says but a lot of folks don't explain. With most muscles in your body, the muscle's default state is relaxed and you have to do work to make the muscle tighten. With the sphincter in the anus, its default state is constricted and you have to do work to make it relax. This is where practicing on yourself really helps. Tighten the muscles in your buttocks as you learn how to make the anus relax. Try pushing. It might take a bit of practice to get the hang of it.
  5. Take your time! It's not a race. Anal sex takes a while to get used to. Don't be discouraged if you don't make it work right away. Patience is the name of the game.

How to be clean for anal sex :

  1. Eat healthy meals that day
  2. Go to the bathroom 30-60 minutes beforehand
  3. Use an anal douche to gently get water up there.  Hold it for a few seconds and release.  (Only  repeat that once or twice.)  (Note: Avoid shower extensions. With those things,  you simply can't control how much water is going up there or the pressure at which it's being shot up there.)
  4. Wait about 15-20 minutes after douching to ensure all the excess water has drained (or that you don't need to use the toilet again). 
  5. Take a shower.

Bonus note :

How effective is "withdrawal method" for birth control

The "Withdrawal" or "Pull out" method is the WORST form of birth control available.

The effectiveness is around 72%. But keep in mind that your chances of pregnancy, even when you're ovulating are 50%. So, what does this means?
It means that out of 100 women every year, 50 will become pregnant if they have unprotected sex during ovulation. And 28 will become pregnant while using the infamous "pull out" method.
Some people disagree. And they usually give 2 different reasons. One is the "ability" a person has to "pull out" before ejaculation. The other is that pre - seminal fluid (That's constantly released during penetration) doesn't have an spermatic count.
These assumptions confuse people into relying in someone else's word to prevent pregnancies. And it's still uncertain if pre-seminal fluid has any spermatic count that could produce a pregnancy. So, studies have been conducted. The latest study I could found was published in 2011. 27 men provided 40 samples (Up to 5 separate samples each) of pre-ejaculatory secretions. Spermatozoa was found in the pre-seminal fluid of 41% of the men that participated in the studies. In 31% of the cases, the samples had spermatozoa with enough count and motility to produce a pregnancy. The interesting thing is that 41% of men were consistent in all of their samples. That means that sperm was found every time in some, and in neither of their samples in others. This study has one problem, and that is the limited number of people that participated. Still, the number and the results are consistent enough to raise doubts. Read this research study conducted by Killick and others.
So, we can actually deduce that maybe, just maybe, some people will have some level of spermatic count in their pre-ejaculatory secretions. And some won't. Do you really want to risk it and find out?
I don't.
So, this is my professional recommendation. If you're not ready to get pregnant, stay far away from this method, or use it in combination with another forms of birth control, like:
  • Condoms: 78-80% effective. This is the only contraceptive method that will protect you against STI's.
  • Contraceptive pills: 94.5% effective
  • Injections: 96% effective
  • Sub-dermal implants: 98% effective
  • IUD's: 98 - 99% effective.
These are just a few of your available options. And most alternatives will be far safer than the "pull out method"
The only real way to completely reduce your chances of pregnancy is abstinence (But that's not an alternative I recommend if someone's specifically asking about contraception). The second best alternative is using 2 forms of birth control. Hormonal contraception + condoms will always be the safest way to have sex. You'll be protected against some STI's and at the same time, you'll significantly reduce the possibility of pregnancy.
If you use contraception appropriately, you follow all the instructions your midwife or gynecologist provides, and you are responsible, then you shouldn't have to worry about pregnancy. If you still decide to use the "pull out" method anyway, I wish you good luck.

Originally answered by Camila S. Espinoza on quora. Do visit her site for more information on such topics.

Difference between Miscarriage, still birth and labour

Miscarriage is the termination of a pregnancy that doesn't end in childbirth, of a fetus that weights less than 500 grams (1.1 pounds) or before 20 weeks of gestation are completed (An in-viable fetus)

Stillbirth can occur at 20 or more weeks of gestation, and it's basically the delivery of a viable fetus who died in uterus (No fetal heartbeat) or at any point before birth was successfully completed (Right after the umbilical cord is cut).

Labour is the process in which the uterus, cervix, and vaginal canal prepare to expel the products of conception (Fetus, placenta, amnion) after 20 or more weeks of gestation. It starts with contractions that produce cervical modifications (Usually, one to two contractions every 10 minutes for at least 1 hour) and ends with the expulsion of the placenta and amnion, and subsequent retraction of the uterus.

How to improve masturbating experience.

image source- google images.


1) Getting started - madam Palm and her five lovely daughters
Most people learn pretty early on that their hand is the perfect friend with benefits. It’s natural, effective and an enormous amount of fun.
Yet many guys still get stuck thinking that the best way to masturbate is simply as follows:
  • Switch on a movie.
  • Grip penis gently but firmly in your stronger hand.
  • Move up and down repeatedly at lightning speed.
  • Ejaculate into a tissue.
  • Return to the paused video game.
This is, of course, one of the oldest and most satisfying masturbation techniques known to mankind. The speed and pressure you can apply brings about a satisfying orgasm. However, with a little creativity and variety, you can take it to a whole new level as you’ll soon see.
2) Madam Palm's twin sister.
Even at this basic level you can still spice things up nicely by using your other hand. Here are some ideas:
  • Try using just your other hand once in a while.
  • Try using both hands at the same time. If you can put them one next to the other on your shaft, then lucky for you and any girl you meet. But if not, you can try holding your penis in-between both palms pressed together.
  • You can use one hand to move up and down the shaft while the other plays with the head of your penis.
  • Wringing is a great double-handed technique. Imagine wringing the water out of a cloth by squeezing your hands in opposite directions. Just be a bit more gentle with yourself!
3) Don't leave your balls hanging.
Your balls are more than just an odd-shaped storage facility. They’re an erogenous zone which you can use to heighten your orgasms.
It’s up to you to work out the best way to masturbate by including your testicles; all guys are different, but here are some suggestions:
  • Pull them slightly downwards while masturbating.
  • Try caressing, stroking or tickling them – experiment to see what and where feels good.
  • Try just holding them in a light but firm grip with the other hand.
There’s another good reason to spend some quality time with your balls. If you know what they feel like normally, you can look out for any unusual lumps – something all guys should do on a regular basis.

4) It's not just women that have multiple erogenous zones.
Even though the majority of masturbation techniques are centered on the penis and balls, there are other parts of your body that respond well to a little attention.
It’s a popular belief that only women are blessed with multiple erogenous zones. However, the truth is that your body is far more sensitive than you might think.
For example, try touching your nipples in the way that you would a woman’s. Experiment with different strokes, pressure and movements.
Try caressing the inside of your thighs or your stomach. If there’s anywhere that you know you’re sensitive, don’t be afraid to explore yourself further with touch.
Some guys will be more sensitive than others in different areas, so it’s up to you to find out what works for you. There are no rules, so get to know your own body and find out what floats your boat.
5) Moving South : The Perineum
The Perineum is the area in-between your anus and balls. It’s a soft padded area which is sensitive to touch. You can try caressing it or pushing it gently with your spare hand. Again, be creative and see what kind of stimulation, if any, gets you going.
6) The Holy Grail of the male G-Spot
Some cynical folk will say the male g-spot is a lost Atlantis which never existed in the first place.
But there’s no doubt that there are parts inside the anus which respond well to self-stimulation.
For more open-minded and less squeamish guys, one of the greatest ways to masturbate is to include the anus. For others, it’s strictly a one-way street.
If you’re willing to explore here though, then you could be in for an orgasm-increasing treat. Here are some ideas for you:
  • Thoroughly wash both your anus and fingers before starting.
  • Check that your chosen nail (yes – one finger will do) is short and not sharp. File it down if necessary.
  • Add plenty of lubricant on your finger (proper lubricant is better so you don’t accidentally stick something in there which can burn)
  • Rub around the outside of your anus to begin with.
  • Gently insert a finger as far as is comfortable.
  • You can then just keep the finger inside while you masturbate with your other hand as normal, or move it gently in and out. Whatever works for you.
  • The G-Spot is a small area a couple of inches inside. It should feel like a little ball just over an inch in diameter. This is actually the outside of the prostate. You can softly rub this spot if you manage to find it, and if it’s pleasurable.
Stimulating the G-Spot is known in the tantric sex world as a prostate massage, and is an effective way of enhancing orgasm. The key though with all these ideas is to be gentle and soft.
7) Experiment with different positions
If you just sit in your favorite chair or lie on your bed, you’re not going to get anywhere near simulating sex.
And as you’ll find out in part 3, simulating sex is one of the most important masturbation techniques for men. Here are 3 ways you can use your body more effectively:
  • Hold your penis under your body, lying on your bed on top of your hand. Then thrust into your hand.
  • Try kneeling or standing and thrusting into your hand. The idea is to keep your hand still and use your body to move.
  • Change positions from time to time: kneeling, standing, sitting, swapping hands or anything you can think of to add variety.
  • And in case you’re wondering, unless you’re a yoga master, have a missing rib or could enter the Guinness book of records for your length, it’s extremely unlikely you’ll be able to do the necessary gymnastics to use your own mouth.
Part C: toys and accessories to enhance the experience.
8) The best way to masturbate is with a realistic vagina
I shouldn’t need to point out the obvious difference between your hand and a real vagina.
As I said earlier, masturbation isn’t just about personal pleasure. It’s also an investment in your ability to maximize both you and your partner’s pleasure during sex.
That’s why simulating sex as closely as possible is an excellent way to prepare yourself for the real deal. It’s also way more fun and intense than just using your hand.
9) The slippery joy of lubricants
For the same reasons that you would use a simulated vagina, lubricant is also an awesome addition to the repertoire of self-pleasure techniques.
Whether you’re using a toy or just your hands, lubricant will get you another important step closer to the real thing.
A real vagina is wet and slippery, so a dry palm is a poor imitation of that amazing experience. Lubricant also makes it easier to stimulate the head of your penis, and of course explore your anus if you so desire.
Please note that depending on your age, you might not be able to get hold of a realistic vagina or sex lubricant. In which case, don’t stress about it. Yes, they’re a lot of fun, but no, they aren’t absolutely necessary.
10) The double-edge sword of online movies
Movies can be great if used the right way, but they can also be damaging if used without any thought.
As you’ll find out in part 3, rushing masturbation can be a killer of your future sexual performance. And one thing which is sure to increase your arousal is your favorite movie.
If you just switch it on, get yourself as excited as possible and rush to climax, you’re unfortunately training yourself to be a future ‘one minute man’.
However, if you use it as a tool when learning how to masturbate in a controlled way, then it’s a great way to test your ability to keep relaxed and calm.

1. The Pattie Cake
Using your pointer and middle finger, gently pat your clitoris varying pressure and speed until your little boat is standing in attention.
Listening to sexy or romantic music can enhance your mood and you can pat your clitoris to off and on to the groove of the music.  Done to perfection, your inner labia and clitoris will become both sticky sweet and warm. When the insides of your vagina are covered with your love fluid, use this as lubricant.
Resist the temptation of starting to just “rub one out.” Keep patting and/or using short strokes.  The anticipation will build with pressure behind your coming orgasm. As you are getting closer to coming, push your fingers inside you, then pulling out rubbing your love fluids onto your clitoris. Continue patting and pulling your juices on to your clitoris.  The key is the anticipation of not rushing ahead.  Just keep patting with some rubbing motion until you can’t hold back anymore.  As you start to orgasm, then rub as it feels best all over you clitoris enjoying a well deserved orgasm!
2. The Sandwich Cookie
This technique is much like delicious cookies sandwiching a cream filling.  Your index and middle fingers serve as the delicious cookies here.  Place your fingers on the outside and supporting both sides of your clitoris.  While gently gripping your clitoris with your fingers, use the fingers of your other hand to stroke the clitoris while varying the pressure and speed, but not too fast.  You can also slide your “sandwich” fingers up and down on the sides of your clitoris too.
Note: Maintain this action trying not to slip into your basic pattern of masturbation to orgasm or as you orgasm. This will help increase your “repertoire” of delightful ways to achieve orgasm. 
As you come, work your two fingers in harmony with the rubbing of your clitoris.  It will be sweeter than any Sandwich Cookie!
3. The Open-Faced Sandwich
This technique involves gently patting and pushing down on you whole vaginal area using the palm of your outstretched hand. It is quite a variation on direct stimulation methods as the stimulation is much broader focused.  Keep your hand open and fingers outstretched.  Long and varied strokes are best at first.
You will find yourself twisting and turning your hand to focus on your clitoris.  This is ok, but keep the fingers out of it.  Continuing with this rhythm will produce a hot sensation. As you come push your palm into your clitoris and rub it back and forth where your palm and wrist meet.  This orgasm can feel different because with your fingers outstretched, it will feel more submissive which can intensify your orgasm!
4. The Pulsing Pelvis
This technique actually simulates having sex so it can be very erotic.  Lay on your bed, back down with your legs spread, knees up and feet flat on the bed.  Use your middle finger to penetrate your vagina much like a penis.  A sexy and considerate man would first rub his member around you so that entry was smooth and slick.  You should have the same consideration for yourself too!  Don’t just plunge your fingers in, be gentle and work for it!  You can even pull away like you are teasing your man before he enters you.
As your finger enters, softly but seductively contract your leg muscles such that your pelvis gently pulses in a rhythm similar to when making love with a partner.  The emphasis is on your pelvic push as opposed to finger action.  Push into your hand and finger.  If you want to fantasize about being laid by prince charming, go for it!  Keep it going with your pelvis thrusting harder and harder until you come. This technique will make you a better lover too.  Be forewarned that you will drive your man crazy with this technique, but also likely bring up questions about where you learned to do this?  And if you have been seeing another guy?  One last note: Before sex you’ll lover won’t need to remove his socks, you’ll rock them off for him!
Water Works
There are more reasons for taking a bath everyday than staying clean.
5. In the Pool
Rated highly among the masturbation techniques for women, here you open your legs as wide as possible while positioning yourself in front of one of the many jets available in your hot tub or pool.  Experiment with the various spray patterns and/or oscillations.  Don’t start out too close! With your legs spread, stand far enough away that the jet is not uncomfortable for you at all. Begin moving closer and closer towards the jet until the stimulation is enough to jet you into organism!
6. With Your Shower Head
A common masturbation technique for women, but it needs to be done properly to get that mind-blowing organism. Using your handheld shower head to please yourself, take it off the hook and press it on your clitoris, rub softly then firmly. You can alternate between the two extremes or just find a middle ground which offers you the right sensation. You can synchronize your rubbing motions to match your masturbation experience. All in all, you are bound to have an incredible experience.
7. In the bathtub
First, fill the tub with enough hot water that it is not cold to lay in.  Keep the facet running at a slow run.  Add in your favorite bath beads or fragrance soak.
Ease into the in the tub and start sprinkling water on various parts of your body.  The water will feel warm on your skin at first, then cool down.  This will start the nerve sensations flowing through your body.  Keep dripping water all over your body feeling very sexy as you drip water between your legs.
When the time feels right, slide down towards the slow running facet with your legs spread.  Let the water splash around your clitoris.  Slide you backside so that the water hits various spots of your vagina.  Rub your thighs with your hands and position your clitoris under the water for the best feeling.  Use your body movement with the water to stimulate your clitoris.  If you can avoid manual stimulation, your orgasm will be incredible!
Adult Toys
The selection of sex toys is almost endless, however you can also use house hold items as well.
8. Dig the Shovel
This can give you an option on your type of orgasm – clitoral or “G-Spot”.
After you have initiated masturbation and you are naturally lubricated or have applied lubricant.  Use a vibrator or dildo inserted in your vagina with a “digging up” motion pull the end of it into the “G-Spot” and continue sliding all the way out and slowly over your clitoris.
Don’t give up on the “G-Spot” because it can be an incredibly intense orgasm.  Keep seductively going thru the digging motion until one area is unavoidable.  concentrate there and dig in until you hit pay dirt!
9. Electric
An electric toothbrush will not only keep that bright smile pretty, it can keep it there!  An electric toothbrush can easily be used as a unique vibrator.  Just use an extra toothbrush tip for the fun work.
An electric toothbrush vibrates at a much higher rate than most vibrators so the sensation is much different.  The head of the toothbrush is much smaller and about the size of the average clitoris – what could be better?  You can cut the brushes off to keep from getting too roughed up.  Cremes and lotions work great on the end of it.
Focus the toothbrush all around your clitoris doing what feels the best.  It won’t be long until you are showing those pearly whites with one big orgasmic smile!!!
A side benefit of using your electric toothbrush as a vibrator goes beyond the incredible orgasm.  It is always handy and you won’t have to worry about leaving it out (stash the toothbrush end though) or traveling with it wondering what customs will say about it?
10. A Play Station
If the game gets a little boring you can always spruce it with a self-induced orgasm.  You’re sure to win!  All you really need is a game that makes the controller vibrate.  Configure the best way for the controller to stimulate your clitoris.  Once the game starts, the challenge is getting the controller to vibrate.  This is the element that makes the orgasm more intense – you don’t have 100% control.  Therefore, the excitement builds as it vibrates at the right time while knowing it could stop. Game on!

Difference between male ejaculation and female ejaculatoion

Male climax involves ejaculation of sperm which is necessary for reproduction. The head of the penis are rubbed to the point of climax. But climax is much more complicated when examined further. First you need an erection which will happen automatically in the presence of a woman of sexual attraction. When the male ejaculates, the semen which is a sticky substance shoots out of the tip of the penis as speeds as fast as 75 mph. After a male climax, he will experience a refractory period of time which the glands that produce semen replenish. 

Alternatively, Women have orgasms several different ways and can have multiple orgasms in rapid succession. Sexual climax is one of the most pleasurable experiences imaginable. Most females experience stimulation though a small, highly concentrated bundle of nerves right at the top of her vulva or the area surrounding the vagina. This sensitive area is called the clitoris. Some women prefer intercourse (penetrating sex) and can experience orgasm that way. Most women prefer additional self stimulation or having their partner rub the clitoris to the point of orgasm. Women will have genital contractions with orgasm. Some women may trigger orgasm by the tip of the penis hitting the opening of the cervix at the rear of the vaginal canal. There is even an area of nerves inside the vagina found on side where the pubic hair grows. When stimulated, women may orgasm this way also. 
Some women have trouble with finding the G spot, but it is normal.  Sexuality brings questions that lead to insecurity. It is important to remember to seek out factual information and talk to trusted individuals about these experiences. 

Briefly, remember that male orgasm inside a woman's vagina can result in pregnancy, so make sure to wear a condom for men or women can take birth control pills. There are also plenty of sexually stimulating activities that don't result in babies, which you can discuss another time. Be safe and if you don't feel comfortable, wait until you do.

Female Masturbation: 5 Things You May Not Know

How do you cure premature ejaculation

About 1 in 5 men suffers from premature ejaculation at some point or other. This is quite common among men less than 30 years, especially among those having sex for the first time.

Here are some of the questions most frequently asked:
How long should sex ideally last?
There is no ideal duration for sex. On an average starting from foreplay to orgasm, the average duration of sex is 2-7 minutes. Some men often boast that they have sex for more than 20 minutes, which is practically not possible.
What is the treatment? Are there any sprays or natural treatment remedies for premature ejaculation?
There is a wide range of “home-made” remedies for premature ejaculation like frequent sex, masturbating a couple of hours before sex, or having sex with the woman on top.
Some other techniques can help you in delaying ejaculation:
  • Use thick condoms: Thick condoms can help in decreasing sensitivity of the penis.
  • Take deep breaths before ejaculation: This can slow down ejaculation and stimulation
  • Think about something that is very boring, distracting or annoying
  • Psychological exercisesYoga and meditationPsycho-therapyTherapy and counsellingSex therapySelf-help techniques
  • Medicines (if needed)
What about start-stop technique and squeeze technique? How good are these?
Many self-help techniques are popular over the internet. They may be useful and satisfy the man for prolongation of his ejaculation, but using these techniques can bore the woman and she may lose interest in sex. Man can use these techniques but need patience and perseverance while performing.
  • Start-stop technique: Stimulate the penis and stop just before you feel you are about to ejaculate. Stop the stimulation for 30-60 seconds and start again once you feel that you have regained control. Repeat this process 4-5 times, stop every time you feel that you are about to have an orgasm. Finally, let the ejaculation occur, so that you can identify your limit (point of no-return).
  • Squeeze technique: The squeeze technique works by squeezing the penis in the area between the shaft and the glans (for about 30 seconds), just before you are about to ejaculate. This stops the ejaculation, but may affect your erection, at least until you are stimulated again.
There are many counterfeit drugs market. They are just a pill of Viagra and these drugs cost you a lot. Be cautious. Always consult a doctor before taking any medication. Some these counterfeit drugs can lead to other health problems, worsen your condition and lead to allergic reactions.
You need to visit doctor along with your wife/partner for more fruitful treatment.
Don’t suffer silently.

Top 7 most beautiful porn stars

When it comes to stunning natural beauty, here are few best porn stars. Hope you like them. Let us know your thoughts about them.

1. Raylene

Time has stopped for her. She has retired one year ago, but she is still a major point of reference in the industry. Latino at its best.

2. Reina  Matsushima 

Simply magnetic.

3. Dayna Vendetta

She is simply gorgeous, innocent and sparking.

4. Natasha Malkova

If you are talking about most cutest and beautiful porn star no one can beat her.
Tiny (5'1"), slender, and adorable long-haired brunette Natasha Malkova was born on January 22, 1991 in Sacramento, California

5. Stoya 
North-Carolina-born Stoya is an all-natural beauty (rumor has it that she turned down breast implants offered by her frequent employer Digital Playground, not once but twice). High cheekbones and bee-stung lips; Depending on the scene at hand, she can look creamy-fragile or tension-wire tough. A favorite of the hipster set, she’s been known to make the scenes in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg.

6. Mia Malkova
While her name speaks of Eastern Europe, when Mia Malkova opens her mouth, out comes Madison, Wisconsin. Looking like a cross between young Cameron Diaz, rookie Mia is one of those porn stars you look at and say “THAT’S a porn star?” Corn silk-blue eyes, cheerleader-blonde hair, perky breasts and a bubble butt to inspire several hip-hop mix tapes, she’s a newbie who gives a guy hope for the future of porn.

7. Nikole Aniston

One of the most elegant and stunning pornstars of all time, mind you one of the most gorgeous pornstars you will ever see, Nicole Aniston. Greek and German descended, she has the facial features of a literal down to earth goddess being the perfect example of how pretty pornstars can be.

How to keep sex toys away from children

To save you an embarrassment we are giving you few tips about where you can hide your sex toys.

Modern Art Piece 

If you are a fan of art work then it must be easy for you to hide the things. See the example below.

Tampons' box
If it's a small vibrator and you need to hide it from a male partner or roommate, put it inside your Tampax box. If it's a mini vibrator for your clit, you can even insert it inside an empty applicator's wrap and back in the box, confused among the other items.

Lamp vase
If you have a bed side lamp, you can put the dildo inside its vase. Make sure you're the one replacing burned-out light bulbs!

Poster tube
If you own a poster or mailing tube, stick it in there, making sure to wrap the poster around it and to push a bit of paper down to hold it on the tube side which doesn't open.

Stuffed animal toy
Do you have a stuffed animal? Check if it got a zipper or an aperture for pulling the stuffing out and wash the outside part; if it does, stick your dildo inside the toy. Oh, Poor Pooh!!

Fitness bottle
Do you go to the gym or jogging? Get yourself a fitness bottle and hide your dildo in there.

Jacket' sleeve
If you've got one of those dildos equipped with "testicles", tie a loose knot around the nuts with a string of fishing line and tie the other extremity to a safety pin; secure the latter to the inner part of a jacket near the opening of the sleeve and have the dildo hanging inside the jacket' sleeve.

Pillow with secret pocket
Many women hide their vibrator inside their pillow. In line of principle, it's a good hiding place, if you live alone and you do your own bed and laundry. But then it would be probably enough to keep it in one of your wardrobe shelves. Instead, if you have decorative pillows on your bed, buy one with the secret pocket (you can find them easily online) and hide your sex toy inside it. If you don't use a monster dildo, it will stay in there comfortably and even by touching the pillow one won't feel it.

Three final considerations:
  • if it's a toy with batteries, always take the batteries out when you want to hide it: if your Tampax box will start vibrating it will certainly arouse suspicion;
  • always keep your sex toys clean: wash them with soaped water (if possible) or rubbing alcohol (make sure it is completely evaporated before use) both before and after use;
  • beware! No matter where you hide your dildo, your pussy will find it.

Oh if you are a dog owner you can hide your dildo like this...

Did you see it.