How do you cure premature ejaculation

About 1 in 5 men suffers from premature ejaculation at some point or other. This is quite common among men less than 30 years, especially among those having sex for the first time.

Here are some of the questions most frequently asked:
How long should sex ideally last?
There is no ideal duration for sex. On an average starting from foreplay to orgasm, the average duration of sex is 2-7 minutes. Some men often boast that they have sex for more than 20 minutes, which is practically not possible.
What is the treatment? Are there any sprays or natural treatment remedies for premature ejaculation?
There is a wide range of “home-made” remedies for premature ejaculation like frequent sex, masturbating a couple of hours before sex, or having sex with the woman on top.
Some other techniques can help you in delaying ejaculation:
  • Use thick condoms: Thick condoms can help in decreasing sensitivity of the penis.
  • Take deep breaths before ejaculation: This can slow down ejaculation and stimulation
  • Think about something that is very boring, distracting or annoying
  • Psychological exercisesYoga and meditationPsycho-therapyTherapy and counsellingSex therapySelf-help techniques
  • Medicines (if needed)
What about start-stop technique and squeeze technique? How good are these?
Many self-help techniques are popular over the internet. They may be useful and satisfy the man for prolongation of his ejaculation, but using these techniques can bore the woman and she may lose interest in sex. Man can use these techniques but need patience and perseverance while performing.
  • Start-stop technique: Stimulate the penis and stop just before you feel you are about to ejaculate. Stop the stimulation for 30-60 seconds and start again once you feel that you have regained control. Repeat this process 4-5 times, stop every time you feel that you are about to have an orgasm. Finally, let the ejaculation occur, so that you can identify your limit (point of no-return).
  • Squeeze technique: The squeeze technique works by squeezing the penis in the area between the shaft and the glans (for about 30 seconds), just before you are about to ejaculate. This stops the ejaculation, but may affect your erection, at least until you are stimulated again.
There are many counterfeit drugs market. They are just a pill of Viagra and these drugs cost you a lot. Be cautious. Always consult a doctor before taking any medication. Some these counterfeit drugs can lead to other health problems, worsen your condition and lead to allergic reactions.
You need to visit doctor along with your wife/partner for more fruitful treatment.
Don’t suffer silently.


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